Peniel India

Educate Equip Empower

Caring for those struggling under systemic poverty, unstable environments and lack of resources in the rural regions close to Bangalore for the last thirty-five years.


Our Purpose

Facilitating good education for orphans and children from broken and marginalised families in slums and villages. Empowering families through local community projects. Equipping them holistically to build a promising future which will in turn help their families at home break from the cycle.


Peniel Children’s Home

Holistically caring for orphans and at-risk children on the outskirts of Bangalore


Our Purpose

To embrace orphans and children from broken and marginalized families providing them with good education, a loving environment and carving out a promising future for them which will in turn help their families at home.


For the last thirty-five years we have had the opportunity to walk alongside about a thousand children. Providing a safe and loving environment to flourish. We have two homes: Aseer Boys Home and Avia Girls Home.


Peniel English School

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Quick trip through history

In the mid 80’s some children were found roaming aimlessly through certain slum and village areas. Parents often could not provide care whilst at work nor were there any day care centres available for this demographic. Thus came to be Peniel Kindergarten, here children had a safe environment to play and learn educational basics. In due time this developed into a primary school and high school. One of the first within a 10km radius of the location. On the other hand, not many schools were welcoming to slum children, nor did others facilitate transport for village children. As education is a necessity in breaking generational poverty, we took it upon ourselves to ensure that these children too had a chance to alter their trajectory.


Community Projects

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Our Projects

At various moments in time, different projects come to life in response to imminent necessities and joys. Some projects have had a shorter duration such as Christmas gifts while others are continuous, such as providing monthly ration bags for widows. Any devastation or circumstance allows an opportunity for us to creatively meet the needs of the times.
